The  Black Independent  Augusta
A fair and balanced information service for the lack community

  13 May, 2006
issue III                                                           vol I

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James Brown Should SAY IT LOUD!!!
James Brown with Percy Sledge at
Augusta Nov 2005James Brown with fellow performer Percy Sledge (L) at annual Thanksgiving Day Dinner in Augusta, GA 2005. In the background is Karlton Howard. Photo © Shakira Lemon

What with all the negative publicity surrounding the proposed James Brown Festival, scheduled for some time next month, I find myself wondering, WWJD (What Would James Do)?
I guess a better question would be What SHOULD James Do? After all, this ALLEGED event is being promoted in Brown's name, and practically in his image, and he should have the character to step up and say "Hold...Enough!". I personally think James Brown should contact Champ Walker and demand that all operations cease and desist until this donnybrook has settled into a believable, workable solution and a proper tribute can be made, probably next year.

A lot of people, famous and not so famous, think the festival would be a great idea and would love to participate, but with a price tag of  $50 per ticket, uncertainty of attendance by performers, even the Godfather himself, and (rightly or wrongly) the negative vibes much of the OBJECTIVE public has towards anything even remotely related to Charles Walker, Sr., the success or even the occurrence of the event is greatly in doubt.

Many of the groups originally claimed to be participating (by Champ Walker et al) have stated they have no idea what this is about or that they have other plans. James Brown himself stated that he was not contacted by the promoters, and originally declared that he and his band were booked solid through the dates of the festival. JB has since states his desire to attend if the promoters would pay for his band's transportation, to which they received the reply, uh uh.

James Brown, as a public figure, cannot stop Walker or anyone else from using his name editorially, but any commercial enterprise that uses the name of ANY person, famous or not, requires that person's consent, and James Brown, to protect his own image, should call a halt to the proceedings right now and request Mr Walker retain professional  assistance.

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